

Airports are spaces with high ceilings and large people movement. Airports typically use conventional HVAC to provide cooling. Due to this, airports consume large amount of energy and incur huge operating costs. The indoor air quality deteriorates in conventional HVAC as air is recirculated.

Radiant cooling systems are a solution for cooling these kinds of spaces.

By using Radiant Cooling system:

1. The chiller size is reduced significantly to allow 30-50% savings on operational costs compared to conventional systems.

2. The spaces are much quieter with reduced noise and less vibrations.

3. Improved aesthetics of the space.

4. The consumption of kW/tonne comes down due to the increased efficiency of the chiller.

5. We reduce the need for AHUs and ducts for the circulation of cold air.

6. We maintain a uniform comfort temperature throughout the conditioned space.

7. The air quality of the space is improved as air is not recirculated as in the case of conventional HVAC’s.

By generating chilled water at 15 to 18 degrees compared to 5-7 degree Celsius and eliminating the need for AHU and ducts, operations costs can be saved by around 30 to 50% compared to conventional HVAC systems. The maintenance of radiant cooling systems is simple and cost-effective as minimal resources are used.

In Radiant cooling systems, water is used as a medium to cool rather than air. Water has 3500 times more heat carrying capacity than air. Radiant floor cooling has PERT pipes arranged in loops on the floor through which cold water at around 15 to 18 degrees is circulated, which takes away the sensible load in the space.

Airports are places of national importance. It is crucial that we make our airports energy efficient, reduce GHG emissions and at the same time cut down operational costs. Radiant Cooling systems provides all of that. It is strongly advisable for airports to have a low carbon footprint in order to avoid facing adverse consequences of global climate change.

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