Solar Heating

Solar Heating

There is a growing emphasis on utilising solar energy for industrial processes, cooking and other heat related processes to achieve energy security as well as to combat the menace of climate change and global warming. While there is a larger focus on power-generation aspect of solar energy, there are greater opportunities to deploy solar energy for heating requirements.

The following industries can greatly benefit from adopting solar technologies for their heating needs:

Dairy Food Processing Textiles Pharmaceuticals
Biotech Automotive Leather Hotels
Hospitals Beverages Paper & Pulp Jute

The following processes can benefit from utilization of Solar Heat:

Cooking Pasteurisation Laundry Autoclaving
Drying Boiler Feedwater Preheating Debacterisation Desalination
Industrial Process Heat Cooling Electricity Generation Baking
Oorja offers the following three Solar Concentrators for different uses:
1. PTC 300: can generate heat up to 300 deg C using thermic fluid and up to 250 deg C with steam.
Large Aperture Parabolic Trough Concentrator (PTC72)

2. PTC18: can be used generating heat up to 200 deg C:

Rooftop Parabolic Trough Concentrator

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