

Warehouses are Spaces which usually require cooling for round-the-clock   365 days. To cool a space like a warehouse using conventional HVAC systems is very energy-intensive and increases the operating cost of the warehouse which, in turn, affects the prices of the products that are being stored. Warehouses also have high ceilings and constant movement of personnel resulting in significant cooling losses and an increase in the energy bills.

By using radiant panel system:

1. We generate chilled water at around 15 to 18 degrees compared to 5 to 8 degrees of conventional HVAC systems, thereby reducing the input energy needed to the compressor significantly.

2. We reduce the need for Hurrahs and ducts for the circulation of cold air.

3. We maintain a uniform temperature throughout the warehouses which is important to maintain the quality of the product.

By generating chilled water at 15 to 18 degrees and eliminating the need for AHUs and ducts, operations costs can be saved by  30 to 50% compared to conventional HVAC systems.

Radiant cooling technology is a solution to solve this problem, as water  is used as a medium to cool rather than air. Water has 3500 times more heat carrying capacity than air. Radiant panels with copper tubes embedded in them are retrofitted below the roof in a false ceiling and cold water at around 15 to 18 degrees is circulated inside the copper tube, which takes away the sensible load in the space. We can also reduce the load of the space initially by keeping aluminum sheets just below the roof of the warehouse so that re-radiated heat from the roof is reduced.

The maintenance of radiant cooling systems is simple and cost-effective as minimal resources are used. By using radiant systems, we also offset a significant amount of GHG emissions by reducing the amount of electricity consumed.

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